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Occupational Therapy Billing Services

Eliminate the stress of occupational medical billing Quest MBS. We manage prior authorizations, claims submissions, and denial appeals, freeing you to focus on patient assessments and treatment plans.
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Occupational Therapy Billing Services

Reclaim Your Time as an OT With Dynamic Occupational Therapy Revenue Cycle Management

Revenue of your OT practice depends on timely billing whether it is timely follow up, timely claim submission or accurate documentation of time units. For therapists like you it’s quite easy to get bogged down by pre-authorization struggles wading through intricate documentation requirements for reimbursement of therapeutic interventions like LSVLs (Low-Severity Visual Loss) training or ADL (Activities of Daily Living) assessments. 

Quest MBS can be your ally that can help you reclaim your time with our hassle free occupational therapy billing services. We understand and handle the complexities of OT billing with ease. We stay current with the ever-changing HCPCS code updates, ensuring accurate representation of your CPT codes for interventions like sensory integration or splinting. This minimizes denials and maximizes reimbursements for the vital services you provide.

Find your way out of this complex billing process for occupational therapy and give your attention to your patient by contacting our OT billing experts and see what difference we can bring to your practice in terms of profitability and revenue.

Out of Network Billing
Rehabilitation Billing
Calculation of Accurate Time Units
Error Free Patient Demographic Entry
Revenue Optimization
50 States
10+ Year Experience
EHR/EMR Billing

Boost Your OT Practice with Intelligent RCM

Empower your practice with a smarter approach to revenue cycle management. Our intelligent RCM system streamlines every step of the billing process.

Pre-Authorization Approvals

Secure approvals efficiently with our team's expertise in navigating pre-authorization requirements for LSVLs, ADLs, and all your essential interventions.

Seamless PCP Referral Management

We ensure timely processing and management of physician referrals, eliminating delays in patient care and billing.

Expedited Claim Filing

Our system prioritizes timely and accurate claim submissions, maximizing reimbursements and minimizing cash flow disruptions.

Out-of-Network (OON) Billing Expertise

Navigate the complexities of OON billing with confidence. Our team ensures proper coding and claim submission for maximum OON reimbursement.

Robust Denial Management System

Don't let denials impact your bottom line. Our team meticulously reviews denials, identifies the root cause, and fights for fair reimbursements on your behalf.

Streamlined Documentation of Billing Units

We ensure accurate and compliant documentation of billing units for your services, maximizing your practice's revenue potential.

Precise CPT & ICD-10 Coding

Our team stays current with the latest CPT and ICD-10 coding updates, guaranteeing accurate representation of your services for optimal reimbursements.

Up-to-Date Payment Policy Navigation

Stay ahead of ever-changing payment policies with our expertise. We ensure your practice receives the correct reimbursements based on the latest regulations.

Comprehensive Insurance Coverage Solutions

Insurance Navigation services empower your practice to optimize reimbursements, minimize denials, and ensure a seamless financial journey.

Leverage Intuitive Occupational Therapy Billing Software for Accurate Reimbursements

Are missed reimbursements and denied claims hindering your practice's financial health?  Imagine a world where coding becomes effortless, claim submissions are a breeze, and capturing all your OT Billing Units (OBUs) is a seamless process.

Our intuitive occupational therapy billing software empowers you to achieve just that. Say goodbye to clunky interfaces and confusing terminology. Our user-friendly platform simplifies the coding process, guiding you through each step with clear instructions and pre-populated fields based on your specific interventions. This minimizes the risk of errors and ensures accurate representation of your services for maximized reimbursements.

No longer will you spend valuable time deciphering complex coding manuals or struggling to document OBUs accurately. Our software streamlines the process, ensuring you capture all billable services, from comprehensive ADL assessments to therapeutic interventions like sensory integration or splinting. This translates to maximized revenue and a healthier bottom line for your practice.

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E/M Coding
Office Visit Billing
Telehealth Modifiers
Out Of Network Negotiation
PT/ST Billing
Practice Audit, EOB & ERA

Benefits of Entrusting Your OT Billing to Quest MBS

At Quest MBS, we specialize in the intricacies of OT billing, bringing unmatched efficiency and revenue opportunities to your practice.

Deep OT Billing Expertise
Our team isn't just billing savvy, they're experienced OT experts. We understand the nuances of efficient OT billing, ensuring accurate coding and maximized reimbursements tailored for your unique services.
Streamlined Workflows
Our specialized OT billing software simplifies complex coding tasks and automates repetitive processes. This frees up your valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional patient care.
Proactive Revenue Recovery
Don't leave money on the table. Our experienced team proactively identifies lost or under-billed services, ensuring you capture all billable OT Billing Units (OBUs) and maximize your practice's revenue potential.

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Request a Free Quote For Occupational Therapy Billing Services

Discover unparalleled efficiency and accuracy with our bespoke Occupational Therapy Billing Services . Our team of certified professionals is committed to enhancing your revenue, aiming to boost collections by up to 40%. Entrust us with the complexities of billing, and devote your energies to what matters most—patient care.

Why Choose Us

Why Choose Our OT Therapy Billing Services For Your Practice?

Don't settle for a one-size-fits-all billing solution. Your OT practice deserves a dedicated partner who understands the unique challenges and opportunities of occupational therapy billing. Here's why Quest MBS is the perfect fit:

Boost claim acceptance by 20%.

Say goodbye to the frustration of endless appeals. With out team by your side, you can see accurate claim submission and a 20% Increase in FPCA.


Recovering Lost Revenue

Our dedicated denial defense team doesn't just accept the status quo. They meticulously analyze denials, identify the root cause and fight for the reimbursements you deserve.


Shorten Your Days in A/R by 30 Days

Our streamlined billing process ensures claims are submitted accurately and electronically, minimizing delays and accelerating reimbursements.


Capture 3% More Billable Units

Our team provides guidance on proper documentation practices and utilizes advanced software features to ensure all services are accurately documented and coded.


Track Key Metrics in Real-Time

Gain valuable insights into your practice's financial performance. With comprehensive reporting dashboards with real-time data on key metrics such as coding accuracy.


Reduce Staff Burnout by 15%

By outsourcing your billing needs to Quest MBS, you can alleviate this burden and improve overall staff morale, potentially leading to a 15% reduction in staff burnout.

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